




Message from EGSC President 鲍勃》 – 2014

In view of the Ebola hemorrhagic fever outbreak in West Africa, East Georgia State College is implementing a strategy to assure that the college is prepared and promptly responds in the event that any member of the college community is exposed to the Ebola 病毒.  Also, this strategy is designed to provide a regular and open channel of communication with faculty, staff and students about this important issue.

First, I emphasize that the college is not aware of any student, faculty member, staff member or campus visitor with known exposure to the Ebola 病毒.

Secondly, I encourage any student, faculty member or staff member who at any time learns that they have had possible exposure to the Ebola 病毒 or who has travelled 在美国以外.S. in the past 30 days to an area known to have been affected by the 病毒 to contact Anna Marie Reich in the office of Counseling and Disability Services at 478-289-2039; and to contact their health-care provider or the emergency room immediately and inform them about the potential exposure and any symptoms.

Third, this webpage will be updated regularly as the college learns of any new developments 或者可用资源. I encourage you to visit this webpage periodically.

Finally, if you have additional questions or concerns, please contact my office at 478-289-2027 or presidentFREEOMNIUPDATE.  I am personally committed to providing the most up-to-date and useful information 给我们的社区.




You are encouraged to contact the Director of Counseling and Disabilities Services at counselingFREEOMNIUPDATE 或在出发前致电478-289-2039.



十大彩票平台 does not endorse or guarantee accuracy of any third-party 资源.



Keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.



Many respiratory diseases can be spread person-to-person by respiratory droplets. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing of coughing. 如果纸巾是 not available, sneeze or cough into your sleeve to contain the droplets (don’t sneeze 或者对着手咳嗽.)



      • Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
      • While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to keep from infecting them.
      • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. 扔掉纸巾 用完后扔进垃圾桶.
      • 经常用肥皂和水洗手. 如果没有肥皂和水,就用 含酒精的免洗洗手液.
      • 避免触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴. 细菌通过这种方式传播.
      • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs.
      • If an outbreak of flu or other illness occurs, follow public health advice. 这可能 include information about how to increase distance between people and other measures.
      • If you begin to feel sick while at work, go home as soon as possible.